Car AC Evaporator Factory
  • Why the screw will piercing the evaporator Apr 16, 2024
    Recently, HBS has received customer complaints about the core being pierced when installing the condenser connecting pipe and expansion valve. This is actually an easily solvable problem by comparing the screw length before installing the retaining plate screw. We use a Accord evaporator as an example. HBS provides 5*30mm screws for installing the connecting pipe, while customers usually have 5*36mm screws for installing the expansion valve. Before installing the pipe, compare the lengths of the connecting pipe retaining plate and the evaporator retaining plate to determine if the screw is suitable (as shown below). Using a 5*36mm screw will clearly hit the evaporator core, making it easy to puncture. However, if you use the 5*30mm screws provided by HBS, the length is appropriate and will not touch the core.   Therefore, when installing the connecting pipe, an additional step of comparing the lengths of the retaining plate and the screw can prevent it piercing the evaporator.

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